Tuesday, April 7, 2009

something wicked this way comes

so i'm back from new york. didn't update right away 'cuz i had to finish up my damn journals. i did pretty well though because i only had 10 left when i came home. so i'm not going to go into big detail BUT i really love the east coast. and it doesn't even matter that much WHERE i go because everyone pretty much travels from state to state. i visited harvard, yale, princeton, boston college, boston university, nyu, columbia, wellesley, brown, and upenn. i liked them all except princeton (it was in the middle of nowhere, literally, and it was kind of ugly) and boston college (same reason as princeton). my mom made fun of the harvard tour guide, which is sad, but everything she said was true. just think big-time nerd but nerdier haha. also, the east coast colleges are so much older, so the buildings have that beautiful gothic feel with tons of technology inside.

anyyywayyyyyyssss i'm really glad i visited all those campuses because you really can tell if you like it or not just stepping onto the campus and walking around. yes, i still LOVE columbia (or NYC for that matter) but i also have A LOT of other schools i really really really love. ESPECIALLY upenn and yale. not that i would bother applying to yale, but maybe for grad school?! haha i really liked brown and wellesley too, despite their lack of urbanness. and also. i know i could hack it in nyc because we took the subway to nyu & columbia, and i LOVED it. it is dirty, hot, smelly, and theres no such thing as personal space (my mother was horrified), BUT i thought it was a great experience. CMON COLUNMBIA (or nyu) i am so ready to be a new-yorker!

and yeah it was really great, and i have TONS more to say and lots of pics so you can ask me about it when i see you tomorrow...

...AT SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!! dun dun dun. the last first day of high school. and you know after meeting all those college students and seeing those campuses--I CAN'T WAIT TO GRADUATE!!! hey that rhymes. i know i'll miss high school, but DAMN it is time to move onto bigger and better things. so let's make this year memorable bitches. :D

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