Friday, November 28, 2008

The Bassguy Dot TK Video Game Awards

In responce to the casual gamer bullshit that Spike TV spoon feeds the brain damaged Madden addicts every year, I have desided to make my own Video Game Award Show. I'll cover most of the quality games that where passed over, in favor of blood, guns, and football.

Role Playing Game of the Year
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Coming from a RPG fan from way back, this is a role playing game for role playing gamers. The menu system is easy, without being simple. You can do about anything in the menu, within thirty seconds. The dialog is amusing and at some points, just out-right funny. You really get to "know" the characters as you progress. On a console, until recently, lacking RPGs, this is a must have.

Remake of the Year
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

What can you do to a game, regaurded by many as the best game ever made? Remake it with better graphics and gameplay, that's what. Silicon Knights already had the plot and the the game engine layed out for them, all they had to do was put it together. They certainly did a great job with integrating the classic game with the new graphics and gameplay. With completely new cutscenes and new Nintendo / Silicon Knights Easter eggs, this game can be chalked up with the original.

Action Game of the Year
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

After the absolute gem that was "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time", how can Ubisoft Monteal possibly follow up? With another "Prince of Persia", dummy. Starting a few years after we left the prince on "The Sands of Time", "Warrior Within" uses the same basic game engine as it's predisessor, except with a completely revamped battlle system. The new features and continued plot give veterans something talk about and people new to the game something to be in awe over.

First Person Game of the Year
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

If you enjoyed "Metroid Prime", you'll love "Metroid Prime 2: Echoes." In the same fashion as "Majora's Mask," "Prime 2" uses a modified version of the same engine as it's predecessor, but adding new features, that make a great game, better. The added multiplayer aspect is limited, but considering it's a bonus, it's definatly a worth while addition.

2D Game of the Year
Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls

This game can be summed up in three words: Buy This Game. If you haven't played the original Final Fantasies, this is your chance to play through them in an expanded form. Updated graphics, new game engine, and hours upon hours of added content, all on a portable system gives RPG fans of all degrees something to love. If you hate yourself, don't buy this game. Otherwise, throw away your social life for a month or two and play this game.

Connectable and/or Online Game of the Year
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles

While some people over looked this title, anyone that has a brain picked up this great action role playing game. This game uses the best of both the Gameboy Advance and Gamecube, to create a stunning and unique combonation of multiplayer experiance, graphics, and character development. Instead of leveling up you character like you would normaly, you have to help your allies achieve goals in each level to get a better chance at a getting a good item at the end.

Honorable Mention
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure

Although it was outdone by "Crystal Chronicles" in the Connectable catagory, this is a quality game. It doesn't really introduce anything new, but if you want to relive classic gameplay with the option of multiplayer, this should be at the top of your list.

I think that about sums it up, but I'd be glad to read your views on the subject. Post any games you'd like to see here in the comments (although I will probably just mock you).

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